Men, women, and teens from age 13 and up of all ages and backgrounds that want to store and backup their consciousness and memories, upgrade their skills, and connect with loved ones.
From biblical prophecies to theories of probability, humans have always been understandably concerned, and sometimes fixated, on what the future holds. As designers, we have become very familiar with the way technology transforms entire industries. What does your prediction of the future look like? What roles do design and technology play? How does cultural context influence one’s predictions?
Create a visual representation to make a theory of future technology manifest.
The process began with extensive research into the next stages in mind uploading and what it would take for humanity to successfully achieve this. Then, came the design stage where the at home Beam Kit was created. The Kit was designed to include a safety box with a thumbprint lock to secure the owner’s memories as well as two Beams, which would be placed on the owner’s temples and then Beam would activate. Like the modern day Alexa, Beam can communicate with the owner and walk them through the mind uploading process. A bit dystopian in nature and seemingly a start to a new Black Mirror episode, this real life model was made using a laser cutter and acrylic sheets.
It serves as a warning as well as an exercise in designing a sleek and Apple-inspired Brand.
Imagine a world where you can upload your brain to a supercomputer. If humanity is to reach the stars and travel to far off galaxies soon there is going to be an urgent need to prolong the lifespan of humans. It only stands to reason that uploading human consciousness will become vital as well. Transferring human minds in order to solve our mortality problem will allow this species to live on and prosper on other planets. Beyond the complexities of scanning, mapping, and downloading an entire brain is the key concept of transhumanism, which posits that the human race can evolve further than its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology.
Illustrator | Photoshop | Laser-Cutter