YOUGAVIK is designed around YOU and YOUR needs. Made for the everyday eco-conscious consumer shopping for stationery such as notebooks and journals, perfumes as well as recycled wrapping paper, and assorted teas. YOUGAVIK collects everything from plastics, metals, wood, batteries, clothes, stationery and craft supplies, backpacks, beauty products, and more! We will take them all and in exchange, you will receive store credit to use at any YOUGAVIK location! YOUGAVIK’s gift for making this world a better place.
The assignment was set by a Graduate Visual Language Course which required the class to work in groups to translate one thematic thing into another (in our case translating a movie into a brand).
Our journey began while watching the iconic Miyazaki films Princess Mononoke and Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. We have grown up in a world on the brink of destruction. With our sea levels rising, amazon rainforest burning, and carbon emissions skyrocketing the only way out is by inspiring monumental production and manufacturing changes from big tier companies, by instituting it in our own practices. We have translated the environmentalism themes of Miyazaki’s films into a living brand catalog filled with the company’s origins, mission statement, and products offered in-store.
Our name Yougavik when broken down into three pieces: You-Ga-Vik encompasses our founding member’s individual regions and cultural backgrounds. The name is the amalgamation of the three versions of the word “Organic”, one in Chinese, one in Russian, and one in Hindi.
The collaboration meant splitting up the work assignments in order to complete the project in a short two-week time period. I researched relevant environmental brands and their mission statements so that YOUGAVIK reflected real-world efforts that brands are making to be zero waste and sustainable. Then, I compiled the written copy within the catalog while my two teammates researched and designed the layout of the content. Next, the visuals for the catalog had to reflect the messaging so I photographed and selected the photos seen in the catalog and helped my teammates integrate them into mockups using photoshop. The final step was choosing recycled paper as the backdrop to the catalog.
Yougavik’s core goals are to produce new and exciting products born out of innovative and eco-friendly production methods so that we can bring the planet back from the brink.
Illustrator | Photoshop | InDesign