Women of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds that need access to feminine hygiene products or can donate feminine hygiene products.
To inspire donations and make impactful change in the community so that every woman can have access to hygiene products such as pads and tampons.
Co-designers (experts) that have direct access to homeless women and the everyday issues they struggle with were contacted for design feedback. As a result, the project received guidance from homeless shelter directors and social workers that were focused on attracting positive attention instead of the possibility of alienating the public with a more dramatic approach. The co-designer phase was instrumental in the ultimate success of this transformation design project.
A package was designed, printed, and constructed, containing two pads, a website link, QR code, and a map of either New York and San Francisco. Each map on the inside of the package had addresses, phone numbers, and directions to homeless women’s shelters where the women receiving package could either donate or receive help. Over 288 pads and over 100 “We Bleed as One” packages were distributed. Women of a variety of racial and economic backgrounds interacted with the product and booth. The response was overwhelmingly positive and the ultimate goals were reached. The project raised awareness, helped women in need receive hygiene products, and inspired action and donations.